Release 2: Contribution to open source project

In release 2, we are asked to contribute to an open source project. I choose Brave browser to make some contributions. About this project, click my previous blog: Build the Project It's easy to build the project. Download the package from Brave github. CD to browser-laptop. Then run several commands: 'npm install' 'npm run watch' 'npm start' Then the project is successfully built. Here is the interface of Brave: Using in my language After I installed it, I want to know if it supports in my language. So I set it to Chinese. It does suppot Chinese, but I found some of strings haven't been translated yet. Well, it's interesting to translate it. Translate.. I find all languages file are located in "app/browser/extensions/brave/locales". There're 26 folders. Each of them has different language. US English is in "en-US". Japa...